Pet Health Emergencies: What To Keep in Your Pet’s First Aid Kit


Pet health emergencies
Krista, author of The Fuzzy Butts Blog

Pet health emergencies always seem to occur at the worst possible time! Usually, in the middle of the night, or over the weekend, when your only option is a very expensive trip to the emergency animal hospital. If you live in a very rural area, your only option may be to wait until the vet opens in town. Being prepared to handle your pet’s health emergencies at home could save your pet’s life, save you some money, and save your pet some needless pain and suffering!

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Assess Your Pet’s Health at Home in 6 Easy Steps

learn how to assess your pet's health at home in 6 easy steps
Bella and Rocky Wilson, our happy, healthy, handsome boxer

You can learn how to assess your pet’s health at home in 6 easy steps, catching minor problems before they become serious (and expensive) health issues! Perform the following assessment as part of your regular grooming routine.

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